In the beginning of
summer, 2015, 31 members from G4 & 5, along with 3 teachers, visited the
beautiful "garden city", Singapore, with excitement and an
ecpectation to learn more about its culture.
此行的重點除了參觀新加坡各主要景點之外,更重要的是與我們的夥伴學校--星爍國小--交流。 在兩天的入校見學活動中,我們不但與星爍的小朋友一起上學,還體驗了他們的多元課程、認識「結對子」建立友誼,還在星爍的食堂自己點餐、用餐呢!
During the trip, we
not only visited famous scenic spots in Singapore, but also interacted with our
friends in Innova Primary School. We attended classes with our Innova
partners and experienced what it's like to order your own meals at the school
View our pictures
and learn more about our trip!