School Introduction 學校介紹

Location 位置

We are located in Hualien, a city on the eastern coast of Taiwan.
The map below shows you where we are.

School Map 學校位置圖

School Statistics 學校資料
  • Number of primary level classes:  30 (5 classes in each of the six grades)     國小部30班
  • Number of kidergarten classes:  2                   幼稚園2班
  • Average number of students per class:  30      班級平均人數30人
  • Total number of students:  887 (Boy: 478; Girl 409)    學生總人數:887(男478;女409)
  • Number of faculty:  59           教師人數:59人
  • Number of staff:  12               員工人數:12人

  • ***  Data as of August 29, 2011 (資料日期:2011年8月29日)

School History 校史簡介
  • Founded in September 1949. Original school name was Affiliated Primary School of National Hualien Junior Normal College. School seal was issued by the Ministery of Education on October 11. The date became our school birthday.
  • 民國三十八年九月創校,校名定為:台灣省立花蓮師範學校附屬小學。是年十月十一日奉頒印信到校,該日遂定為校慶日。

  • A severe earthquake in 1951destroyed the original school site.  The school was moved to the current location at the end of that year.
  • 民國四十年花蓮大地震,原校址(今花崗國中現址)校舍全毀,於年底遷校於現址。
  • Hualien Junior Normal College was renamed several times as it underwent structural changes.   And we went through several different names as well.   In 2005, the college became National Hualien University of Education. And we were renamed as Experimental Primary School of National Hualien University of Education.
  • 花蓮師範學校幾經變更校名,本校的校名亦隨之數度更改。民國九十四年該校改制為花蓮教育大學,本校校名亦更改為:花蓮教育大學附設實驗國民小學。

  • In 2008, National Hualien University of Education was integrated into National DongHwa University. And that's when we got our current name -- Experimental Primary School of National DongHwa University.
  • 民國九十七年花蓮教育大學與東華大學合併,本校校名更改為目前的名稱:國立東華大學附設實驗國民小學。