Our School Song 我們的校歌

The School Song was written by our second principal Mrs. Jia-Ruan Chang.

It has been modified slightly as time and circumstances changed.
But the main theme remains the same.

美崙山麓 太平洋濱
校舍巍巍 學子莘莘
五育並重 發展身心
作育英才 健全國民
實行主義 強國福群
華大附小 光輝永存

華大附小 光輝永存

English translation  英文大意:

Under Mt. Meilun by the Pacific Ocean
Our school stands tall and grand
Our students are many
All aspects well cared for
Body and mind cultivated
Healthy and responsible citizens they are educated to be
The nation’s principles and well-being always kept in heart
Primary School of Dong Hwa shines through time
Primary School of Dong Hwa shines through time

4th grade students sing the school song